As we walked through or towards the French Concession...
As we walked through or towards the French Concession…
A walkway in Fu Xing Park
A walkway in Fu Xing Park

The one that is gray and has a design on it is unique. Legend has it that as they built the highway, that’s the one spot they couldn’t get a pillar to go into…they tried and tried. Finally, they contacted a Buddhist monk, who informed them that they couldn’t put a pillar there because there was a dragon down there. If they drew a dragon motif on a pillar, then they would be able to put it in the ground. So they did, and they did.

Construction along the skylineThe guys responsible for the construction along the skylineFamous Teahouse in The Old Town. Used to be a private residence.

Nan Xiang Dumplings: Jamison in line for famous and delicious dumplings. 16 for $2! Cheap and awesome!

Amazing Chinese dumplings! Xiaolongbao
Amazing Chinese dumplings! Xiaolongbao
Hey, that's not the 'Peace' sign. Shanghai's next top model hamming it up with her brother in the park...shoving bottle in his face...
Hey, that’s not the ‘Peace’ sign. Shanghai’s next top model hamming it up with her brother in the park…shoving bottle in his face…
Jamison with new friends. The boy can't quite figure out what's going on.
Jamison with new friends. The boy can’t quite figure out what’s going on.
The Pearl Tower and the financial district across from The Bund. Pic taken on rooftop balcony of Captain Hostel.
The Pearl Tower and the financial district across from The Bund. Pic taken on rooftop balcony of Captain Hostel.

April 2009. Shanghai, China.