Construction Worker
Construction Worker
Great hostel, under construction on the outside only. So far, the best hostel I've been to. Great staff, can arrange anything you want.
Great hostel, under construction on the outside only. So far, the best hostel I’ve been to. Great staff, can arrange anything you want.
Courtyard Area of Leo Hostel
Courtyard Area of Leo Hostel
Making youtiao, deep-fried dough stick. Tasteless, bordering on terrible-tasting, if that's possible. Powdered sugar would have been a wonderful addition...
Making youtiao, deep-fried dough stick. Tasteless, bordering on terrible-tasting, if that’s possible. Powdered sugar would have been a wonderful addition…
The Great Wall at Mutianyu. Magnificent. Badaling is the tourist trap, this is the new, best place to see it without too many hawkers and vendors.
The Great Wall at Mutianyu. Magnificent. Badaling is the tourist trap, this is the new, best place to see it without too many hawkers and vendors.
He who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a true man. - Mao Zedong
He who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a true man. – Mao Zedong
'The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.' - Genghis Khan Sentries could be bribed, so...Matianyu is renowned for its Ming Dynasty guard towers.
‘The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.’ – Genghis Khan
Sentries could be bribed, so…Matianyu is renowned for its Ming Dynasty guard towers.
It Seems to Go On Forever
It Seems to Go On Forever
From the Dave Ball School of Self-Photography. He's the expert. I never do this. But I couldn't resist. It's The Great Wall! And I refused all of the people around me who offered to take a pic of me with my camera, haha!
From the Dave Ball School of Self-Photography. He’s the expert. I never do this. But I couldn’t resist. It’s The Great Wall! And I refused all of the people around me who offered to take a pic of me with my camera, haha!
Guard Tower on the Wall
Guard Tower on the Wall
Tiananmen Square
Tiananmen Square
Monument to the People's Heroes in Tianenmen Square
Monument to the People’s Heroes in Tiananmen Square
Gate of Heavenly Peace
Gate of Heavenly Peace
Security Guard at Tianenmen Square
Security Guard at Tianenmen Square
Security Guard at Tianenmen Square
Notice how gargantuan this portrait is compared to the people standing above.
Forbidden City: Off limits for 500 years. Two dynasties Ming and Qing
Forbidden City: Off limits for 500 years. Two dynasties Ming and Qing
Stone Pillars in the Forbidden City
Stone Pillars in the Forbidden City
An emperor sat here
An emperor sat here
Exposed rocks in the Forbidden City
Exposed rocks in the Forbidden City
Street Food in Beijing
Street Food in Beijing



  1. Hello,
    I came across your blog and I love it! Thank you for sharing your images and travels. I am envious of your many adventures as I am hoping to travel the world. How do you afford all of your travels? Do you have any tips you can share?
    Thank you!

    1. Hey Kailee ~ Thanks for checking out my blog! Fortunately for me, I am a teacher trainer, so I get asked to do gigs almost month to month, country to country, city to city, so that’s what helps me make it around the world. 🙂 I happen to be on a bit of an extended stay in Japan at the moment, which is unusual, but will move on in December.

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